We are Sett

A leading technology company offering a diverse selection of digitial services from our offices in Bradford, West Yorkshire.

Who are Sett?

At Sett. we tell it how it is. We don't blind you with science - flowery language, technical terms, abbreviations. We don't have sales targets based on how many servers, websites or systems we sell per month. We aren't tied to technology - although many of our projects involve substantial use of technology, we offer far more than just technology.

We simply invite you to bring us your business challenges, and let us find a solution which perfectly meets your needs.

You might be struggling with gathering or making sense of management information within your organisation. Perhaps you're considering a new IT system and want to make sure you make the right choices to get the best value for money. Or maybe you're considering a new website, and want a site which not only looks great; is also designed around what it will do for you.

For these, and many other business challenges, we can help.

What We Do


Result-driven web application and web site development: ensuring your web presence draws in and engages new and existing visitors.

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Software perfectly tailored to your needs: bespoke software and database development from Sett.

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Helping you make better business decisions through taking control of your data.

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Taking care of the information your business needs to operate and prosper.

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Improve efficiency with Sett's range of cutting edge barcode scanning and scanless technologies.

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Helping your organisation reach its full potential with Sett's IT and business consultancy services.

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